National Council of News & Broadcasting


National Council of News & Broadcasting (NCNB) has constituted International News and Broadcasting Networks (INBN), which is a leading India's Premier Multimedia News Agency providing content for every information platform, including TV, Internet, broadband, newspapers, and mobiles.

National Council of News & Broadcasting (NCNB), which is a duly registered Society under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860. majorly we support and covers all news relating to Human Rights, Liberties and Social Justice.

National Council of News and Broadcasting has been added as a signatory to UNITED NATION GLOBAL COMPACT. The world's largest corporate responsibility initiative with nearly 12,000 business and non-business participants in 140 countries.

Dr. June Ann is heading the 1N13N as Chairperson and Editor in Chief

National Council of News and Broadcasting has been added as a signatory tdkJNITED NATION GLOBAL COMPACT. The world's largest corporate responsibility initiative with nearly 12,000 business and non-business participants in 140 countries. Dr. June Ann is heading the INBN as Chairperson and Editor in Chief Thousands of grass-root freelance Citizen Journalist & bureaus in India working 365 Days absolutely free and voluntarily , to encourage addressing democratic change, public accountability and globalization issues, Strengthening independent journalist trade unions, that are best able to defend media freedom and public scrutiny, Advancing the respect for international standards of media/ press freedom, Raising the professional status of journalists, climate in which journalism can be practiced freely, Quality journalism . Improving professional and ethical standards, high standards and ethical behavior in the practice of journalism, constant vigilance in protection/ guarantees of freedom of speech and of the press.

Join us as :

Scope : International / National / State / District/ Block and many more stages...

Chairman / Vice Chairman / Heads
Press Representative
Editor & Bureau Chief To Captures, Shoots, Records And Report On Human
Rights, Liberties And Social Justices, Fundamental Rights Violations

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